Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good News for Good Friends

I sent this release out today for my good friend Kristen Lamb! Also, you can find it on my new site www.powerstrategies.TV – I am so excited about this! Kim Power Stilson




Planetary Streams Partners with

Internet Education Companies Partner with Social Communications Company to Give Globe Access to World's Experts from One Location on the Web


May 29, 2008—Salt Lake City, UT – Planetary Streams International Announces Partnership with founders of and to Extend new company "My Expert" to People through Social Media Tools. New offering will bring jobs to local area and affordable audio and visual relationship resources solutions to people across the globe. is a site which allows users to submit a question and get an expert response within 24 hours in the areas of relationships, health, finance, education and more. Nationally recognized online education and communication experts have come together to provide, including; award-winning founders of Andrea and Gene Anaya; GrowthClimate founders, nationally acknowledged author, therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner and author and radio host, Kristen Lamb and for social media tools, CEO of Planetary Streams, social communications strategist, Chad Stilson. will allow access to the world's experts through an online offering launching July 2008 in Utah, August 1st nationally and September 1st in Europe.


Andrea Anaya and Gene Anaya, founders of, a leading , the nation's leading medical transcription and online training, Ernst & Young Regional finalists 2007 and the fastest growing companies in Utah, are proud to partner with Planetary Streams, a Social Media Communications Company, to give My and its experts a face and voice on the Internet.


"I think it's a fabulous idea to give people online tools and an opportunity for building better relationships and lives," said Andrea Anaya. " is pleased to partner with Planetary Streams to offer these solutions."


According to Kristen Lamb, newly appointed CEO My Expert Solutions, they have partnered with Planetary Streams because of their ability to quickly resonate to the online masses in the most-cost effective manner.


"We needed to offer a connection between experts and those who need their advice and we chose Planetary Streams because of their ability to extend our message in a powerful way across the Internet," said Lamb. "Their social media tools will allow our experts to have a face and voice in countries across the world."


Planetary Streams is pleased to power My Expert Solution's social communications offerings including radio, TV and blogging.


" will be an invaluable resource to individuals who need answers quickly and sharing via the Internet and its myriad of communications tools is a smart delivery match. There is so much information on the World Wide Web that having one place to visit for answers from the world's experts will be crucial to users."


Planetary Streams International, a Social Media Communications Company, provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Launched February 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the "Broadcast Barn" in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Please visit, or call Chad Stilson at or call at 801-473-9211.


News contact: Kim Power www.powerstrategies.TV or 801-473-9174.



ABOUT MY EXPERT SOLUTIONS: is your resource for answers with assembled experts ready online to help you when you need answers. Users can submit their question about anything from education, finance, health and relationships and experts in those fields will share an online answer in 24 hours. will be nationally available online at in August 2008. For more information please contact Kristen at 801-420-5812.


Career Step is the nation's leading provider of online medical transcription and medical coding training. Career Step enjoys a tremendous market advantage in the industry by virtue of its reputation as an innovative, competency-based training company. Career Step is committed to seeing each enrolling student graduate and successfully transition to a rewarding career. Career Step has been in business for over fifteen years and is headquartered in Springville, Utah.

Each year, for the past seven years, Career Step has been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the state of Utah by the Mountain West Capital Network. Career Step was additionally the 335th fastest growing privately-held business in the country, according to Inc. Magazine.


GrowthClimate is a leader in online relationship education offering training to 125,000+ individuals, couples, families and businesses across the world. GrowthClimate® assists individuals who have lost connection with their instincts teaching them how to turn them back on again. A national research study done in our public schools found that "creativity in children is largely destroyed by the second grade." More accurately said, in a world where children become fearful, their creativity is diverted toward survival rather than growth. Reconnect children and adults with their instincts, and their inborn creativity turns back on! Give them understanding of their world, and the power to not only survive it, but also to change it. Creative genius makes individuals tremendous contributors to families, businesses, and to any group or organization of which they are a part.


Planetary Streams International, a Social Media Communications Company, provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Launched February 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the "Broadcast Barn" in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Please visit, or call Chad Stilson at or contact Joanne at 801-473-9174.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Feel like the WWW is passing you by?

I remember when my parents brought home one of the first microwaves on our block. My grandmother came over and asked me to show her how to "get the hang of it" so she could tell all her friends. She said it was a mystery to her but she was determined to be the first of her friends to have one. Having survived the great depression my grandma was not the kind to be afraid of anything but I could tell she was a little wary of the big black box capable of melting down plastic bowls in seconds. As I was showing her what to do she told me she had showed her own grandmother how to work her TV. We laughed while we burnt a cheese sandwich to a crisp. Years later when I had to ask my kids to help me download a James Taylor song onto the iPod I received for Christmas I realized I was losing ground. My kids laughed at me for not knowing how to download and it made me feel better to smirk at them for not knowing who James Taylor was. Smirking was not enough, I felt like the world, indeed the World Wide Web was passing me by. More on this from me Kim Power Stilson, www.powerstrategies.TV and

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Social Media Company Launches Planetary Vision

Planetary Streams Radio & TV Company Launches Planetary Vision Giving More People a Chance to Be Seen and Heard On the Internet Social Media Communications Company Offer Internet Marketing

May 15, 2008--Woodland Hills, UT –Planetary Streams International, Social Media Communications Company, today announces the global launch Planetary Vision their online offering to meet the growing demands of small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete with audio and visual delivery on the internet. For more information go to

Monday, May 12, 2008

Power Strategies gets snow!


A turn in the weather means a turn in marketing. My goodness I am so glad the WWW doesn't have to abide by weather conditions. I realize one single thunder storm with a misplaced lightening bolt could take the power down and therefore render Internet access impossible – but still, we don't have to worry about snow!

Unbelievable. I put my winter clothes away for the third time and "ta do" like magic it snows. I woke up to see my fresh green leave and budding lilacs drooping over with almost an inch of heavy white icey frosting. SNOW! I checked my calendar? It's May! To get my kids off to school I had to dig through the storage boxes for the usual boots and gloves. Nice! Will I ever get to enjoy the Iris or the Lilacs I usually see in April – will they skip blooming all together and shrivel in summer's heat? Okay, I know I am complaining but really! Snow?!?!?!?

I am busy making final edits before I film 24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing! I'm excited! But before I can celebrate I have to shovel the walk!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Good News for Family Biz

Over one thousand people have asked me to give them advice on marketing. Many are paying clients, most people who see me, like they see any neighborhood lawyer or policeman, are strapped for cash and just want some quick advice to get them going so they can make some money so they can hire professionals. I always feel happy to help but frustrated that I can't do more. Well, now I can. I have taken my 17+ years of award-winning experience and turned it into a strategy guide to help people create their own marketing plan to get their companies marketing! It's called "24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing" and you guessed it, it takes 24 hours and may I say . . . it is a really comprehensive and positive plan. I just turned it over to the editors last night and soon it will be available on my Website at I am thinking of charging what it is worth, what I would charge my clients, yet then giving a discount those family-owned businesses that need a little help! My way of sharing the wealth! I am very very very excited about this and as well spring is in the air! Soon I will be moving to California, by the beach no less, no more long hard winters for me (or for my skin!) Life is lovely!