Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kim Power Stilson ponders life

What makes the difference between a successful business and one that you pour years, your money, your soul and your family's soul into only to become another business failure statistic in 2-5 years? Why do some people work like we do, out of the garage, basement or dining room, and end up a "million billionaires", while you end up losing your house?

Why? My company had its shining moments, we had a good product/service and, in fact, the first four or so years showed we were headed for success. So, what happened? As much as I hate to ask why and less like to face the answers, I discovered the answer, the secret, the key to success while face down in the mud.

It was the day after we had to close the business and my world was dark. Winter was turning slowly to spring and by that I mean the 8 foot wall of grey ice next to our driveway was finally beginning to melt. I had read every "power of positive thinking" book out there and some twice while trying to convince myself that there was a silver lining. I kept asking myself why I had failed. All comparisons to Edison's 6,000+ light bulb tries failed to cheer me up. I was supposed to be successful. I had watched others succeed and had confidentially joked with them that I would invite them to my castle in Ireland someday. Now, my hopes for someday seemed to be "never-ever day." What had I missed? The answer would not come and the pain of failure was sharp making it difficult to even breathe.

I did what a lot of people do when they need to think. I decided to go for a walk. After all, I had no business to claim my time and nothing else to do. I walked along seeing the beauty of the mountains forcing myself to be grateful. Look at the positive side; I said to myself, finally after years of working 70 hours a week now at least I had time to take a walk.

Suddenly, as if the world dropped off in front of my feet I fell, face down into a pool of post-thaw snow mud. I just lied there in the mud and wondered why I should get up. When I was finished feeling sorry for myself and grieving my lost business I suddenly knew why I had failed. It hit me right there in the mud exactly what the one strategy of success we had neglected which had caused the lack of success, the failure. It was embarrassing. We had a good product/service but it all had come down not doing this one thing. I had gotten so busy that I had forgotten, put off, not placed the importance into "marketing" my product/service. How many years had I wasted in doing the efforts of business only to find at the end that my product/service was worthless when not sold into the hands of consumers? If consumers did not know about my product then I wasn't selling and if my product wasn't selling than I did not have a business. Like me, I thought, as I started extricating myself from the tear and snow laden mud, with no business.

Monday, July 7, 2008

How I Became a WAHM!

I am guest blogging for Power Strategies today. Enjoy! - Debbie

I was reading a recent post on twitter which said SAHM wanting to be a WAHM. I thought those were the strangest acronyms and quickly googled them to see what they meant. I guess SAHM means Stay at Home Mom and WAHM is Work at Home Mom. Having just gone through the program created on www.powerstrategies.tv I have now become a WAHM. Amazing that finding one program, a program that actually supports being a SAHM and will discount their program becuase they see value in who I am, can change my life. I know you have heard this a million times, but Kim Power Stilson is the real thing and she really wants Women, Small Businesses, and Stay at Home Parents to become successful and accomplish their dreams. So about the business I have…

I owned this site since 2005 called Links for Learning, www.links-for-learning.com and this was a great site for parents to come to and educate themselves and their children. Yet, I was missing a great aspect of online marketing that I knew I needed but was unable to figure out. Having just graduated with social media certification, I am able to take my company to the next level and truly support my family from the home. I think this is every mothers dream. So now I guess I am both, a SAHM and a WAHM… what more in life could I ask for? Maybe a dog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blog Ping Pod Social Media Education is ready to go!

Today, after a week of trauma, puppy deaths, kids out for summer, on and on, I accomplished something I am proud of. Many of my friends, my family, my clients needed to know something they didn't know, and I helped them with that. The news is below, but I am so happy to have accomplished something grand despite all the demands and tools life takes of us. I hope this Internet, Web and Online Social Communications Guide will help people successfully compete online. I know it helped me, and I know I needed to know what I did not!


The world is out there filled with people who like to define us as humans, I can only really attempt to define myself. I needed to know this and know I know what I know but there is more to learn, more to know, more to come. I hope someone out there agrees but you know it does not really matter. As long as I am happy and those I care about our happy.


To the ten friends so far who have learned something, and love it, thank you! This is a landmark day for me, one I hope my kids, my dogs, birds, cats, siblings and friends will smile about. Kim Power Stilson





Blog? Ping? Pod?

Kim Power Stilson, A mom with 4 dogs, 3 kids, 2 birds and a cat

& Debbie Cluff, a zany little lady from Pasadena help Momprenuers

Unlock the mystery to the Internet, the Web and Social Media Tools with Power Strategies Education!



June 17, 2008, 2008— Pasadena, CA & Salt Lake City, UT – Kim Power Stilson and Debbie Cluff partner with Planetary Streams and today announce the release of:

Get online and Blog, Ping, Pod, Stream, Bookmark, Blast, Release,

Wiki, Widget, Web, Link, Avatar, Tag & Twitter!

What is it and how do I do it?

An Education Guide to the Internet, the World Wide Web

and Online Social Media Communications!

This guide is available online and in a social media education training package on www.planetarystreams.com and www.powerstrategies.TV.


Two work-at-home moms, both with hectic lives, decided life would be easier if they figured out how to succeed online like the Pro-bloggers and other online businesses. They made two discoveries. First, there was a lot they did not know, like what is a Wiki and Twitter. Second, they realized it wasn't as intimidating as it sounded. They shared the information with their friends and other entrepreneurs who all insisted they needed it all down in a guidebook. So, Kim collaborated with Debbie to research, write and present: Get online and Blog, Ping, Pod, Stream, Bookmark, Blast, Release, Wiki, Widget, Web, Link, Avatar, Tag & Twitter! What is it and how do I do it? An Education Guide to the Internet, the World Wide Web and Online Social Media Communications!


According to Kim Power Stilson, marketing strategist, the guide combined with her new 24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing Strategy Guide & Workbook is the culmination of 17 years of hard work, marketing while raising kids, dogs, etc. She believes the Internet and World Wide Web are a tremendous convenience for working moms, single parents and small businesses.


"Life online is easier! I'm positive they invented the Internet and World Wide Web for busy women," says Kim. "Everything I need to do, purchase, sell and find is all online! How convenient is that? I wanted everyone to know how to use the offerings and tool available online!"


According to Debbie Cluff, mother of three and master educator, founder of Links for Learning, having an online tutoring business inspired her to help women and parents find a comfortable way to use online tools to their advantage. She sees that working, playing and learning online brings convenience and success and most moms, parents and people need that benefit.


"We could totally see us on the Ellen Show helping all the women in the world learn how to blog, ping, pod, etc., and we loved the idea of women using this knowledge to get better jobs, work from home, and succeed online," said Debbie. "As an educator I thought it would be fun to teach something everyone wants and needs to learn!"


The Guide, Get online and Blog, Ping, Pod, Stream, Bookmark, Blast, Release, Wiki, Widget, Web, Link, Avatar, Tag & Twitter! What is it and how do I do it? An Education Guide to the Internet, the World Wide Web and Online Social Media Communications! is offered in an online PDF version, as well as, a robust video, audio, Internet, Web, Social Media & Marketing certified education course. (Prices range from $240 - $2400 with certification. Huge Discounts for women, single parents and small businesses. Get your guide at www.planetarystreams.com and www.powerstrategies.TV) For Free Media trial contact: Jack Brian or Anne Roberts Jack@powerstrategies.TV or anne@powerstrategies.com or 801-473-9174.



About Kim Power Stilson:

Founder of Power Strategies, Inc., Kim Power Stilson, is the author of Women Buy Everything (Fall 2008) 24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing Strategy Guide and Workbook and Get online Blog, Ping, Pod, Stream, Bookmark, Blast, Release, Wiki, Widget, Web, Link, Avatar, Tag and Twitter!  What is it and how do I do it?

Kim is the weekly Internet talk radio host of "My Best Friends are Dogs and Bloggers" and "Women Buy Everything" radio shows on Planetary Streams (Log on and listen at www.planetarystreams.com )  and the founder of the Bluebird Sisterhood.  She really does have 4 dogs, 3 kids, 2 birds and 1 cat and a very patient husband. She loves to watercolor, play tennis, snow ski and be near the sea. She divides her time between California, Utah & Ireland. She blogs at www.bluebirdsisterhood.blogspot.com & www.twitter.com, www.mybestfriendsaredogsandbloggers.wordpress.com.


About Debbie Cluff:

Debbie Cluff is the CEO of Links for Learning, Online Coaching and Instant Homework Help. She was born and raised in South Pasadena, California, USA. Debbie has taught in both the home and the classroom and has her Masters in Reading and Writing at the Elementary School Level. She is a reading specialist and an author. She has written over a dozen articles for online publications and has been a contributing author to such online companies as, earticle.com and ezine.com. Her first book 7 Easy Ways to Help Your Student Succeed: How Ordinary Parents can Make Extraordinary Students, can be purchased or downloaded free directly from her website, www.links-for-learning.com.

Debbie hosts two weekly talk radio shows on Planetary Streams called "The Debbie Cluff Show" and "Women Buy Everything" you can listen by logging on to www.planetarystreams.com.

Debbie loves to read any books. Her favorite books are anything by Mary Higgins Clark and Jane Austin. Debbie resides in South Pasadena, California with her husband and three children. She would LOVE to hear from you and your personal educational stories, please contact her directly at debbie@links-for-learning.com.



Planetary Streams International, a Social Media Communications Company, provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Launched February 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the "Broadcast Barn" in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Please visit www.planetarystreams.com, or call Chad Stilson at chad@planetarystreams.com or contact Jack at 801-473-9174.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Using the Online World to Our Advantage!

The Internet and World Wide Web give us so many opportunities to communicate and connect to people previously unreachable at all ends of the earth. Communication on the Internet and World Wide Web is essential in everything we do from the social aspects to promoting a successful business. Why would anyone ever put off learning something so essential just because it's new and unknown? Even more than the knowing how to use the microwave, which I feel was fairly essential to eating regularly in college, 'getting the hang of" the Internet and the World Wide Web gives amazing, informative, and lucrative opportunities for those who embrace it.

Most of us are not educated in how to use the Online World to our personal and professional advantage. People who are able to successfully navigate online will not easily give away the secrets to how this is done. Yet, I have always felt the first step in becoming a great, is to gain education in all areas of what you want to achieve. In order to connect to the online world, you are going to have to educate yourself, as Debbie would say, in the 5 W's which are Who, Where, What, When, and Why of this Internet and World Wide Web.

This guide was written from the perspective of a journey of how my grandma and I would have figured out this together. It's not technical and it may not be perfectly accurate yet because I wanted to learn enough to successful on the Internet and World Wide Web and leave the blank stares behind me forever, it works. So, even though I can't build a website I do know what to ask for and expect when I contract with someone to build one for me. I don't know as much as a "Problogger" (a professional blogger who makes money through the site he/she blogs) but I can talk intelligently with one. Probloggers seem to have the world by a string, but I have not read a Problogger yet who could have out blogged my grandma had she been around to blog today. From Kim Power Stilson as seen on www.powerstrategies.TV and www.planetarystreams.com

Monday, June 2, 2008

Path to Social Media

I could blame being an overwhelmed hard-working mother of 4 dogs, 3 kids, 2 birds and a cat for one of the reasons I wasn't up on terms like Social Media, Live Web, and Widgets but there are a few women with the same description above perhaps with a few less pets who make millions of dollars every year knowing all the above. That's right millions.

The Internet and the World Wide Web are not some deep dark mysterious secret that you need a key or a brilliant brain to unlock, though some of the articles you have seen may seem to be written in another language, it's simply a lot of new information and new information when you already have a lot on your plate can be overwhelming.

If you secretly wonder what a blog is then you are not alone. My good friend Kristen Lamb, co-founder of Planetary Streams International, a Social Media and Marketing company likes to say, "You don't know what you don't know!" Like my grandma and the microwave, her grandma and the TV and me and my iPod, we won't know until we ask for help. People brave enough to admit they have no idea what a blog or ping or any of the above in the title are the ones who get to reap the rewards.

I wanted the answers and needed the resources so I started asking questions. I discovered that some people understood it all and some understood it very little. The ones who knew it all often lacked the patience or the time to explain in a way I could understand. Overall, I gave and got more blank stares than an entire class room of Algebra students before I finally just decided to figure it out myself. That's when I decided to talk to the best teacher I know, Debbie Cluff. She is truly a "zany" little lady and a master educator, born and raised in Pasadena, California, who seems to have a knack for turning the complex into an elementary

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good News for Good Friends

I sent this release out today for my good friend Kristen Lamb! Also, you can find it on my new site www.powerstrategies.TV – I am so excited about this! Kim Power Stilson




Planetary Streams Partners with MyExpertSolution.com

Internet Education Companies Partner with Social Communications Company to Give Globe Access to World's Experts from One Location on the Web


May 29, 2008—Salt Lake City, UT – Planetary Streams International Announces Partnership with founders of CareerStep.com and GrowthClimate.com to Extend new company "My Expert Solution.com" to People through Social Media Tools. New offering will bring jobs to local area and affordable audio and visual relationship resources solutions to people across the globe.


MyExpertSolutions.com is a site which allows users to submit a question and get an expert response within 24 hours in the areas of relationships, health, finance, education and more. Nationally recognized online education and communication experts have come together to provide MyExpertSolutions.com, including; award-winning founders of CareerStep.com Andrea and Gene Anaya; GrowthClimate founders, nationally acknowledged author, therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner and author and radio host, Kristen Lamb and for social media tools, CEO of Planetary Streams, social communications strategist, Chad Stilson.


MyExpertSolution.com will allow access to the world's experts through an online offering launching July 2008 in Utah, August 1st nationally and September 1st in Europe.


Andrea Anaya and Gene Anaya, founders of Careerstep.com, a leading , the nation's leading medical transcription and online training, Ernst & Young Regional finalists 2007 and the fastest growing companies in Utah, are proud to partner with Planetary Streams, a Social Media Communications Company, to give My ExpertSolution.com and its experts a face and voice on the Internet.


"I think it's a fabulous idea to give people online tools and an opportunity for building better relationships and lives," said Andrea Anaya. "MyExpertSolution.com is pleased to partner with Planetary Streams to offer these solutions."


According to Kristen Lamb, newly appointed CEO My Expert Solutions, they have partnered with Planetary Streams because of their ability to quickly resonate to the online masses in the most-cost effective manner.


"We needed to offer a connection between experts and those who need their advice and we chose Planetary Streams because of their ability to extend our message in a powerful way across the Internet," said Lamb. "Their social media tools will allow our experts to have a face and voice in countries across the world."


Planetary Streams is pleased to power My Expert Solution's social communications offerings including radio, TV and blogging.


"MyExpertSolution.com will be an invaluable resource to individuals who need answers quickly and sharing via the Internet and its myriad of communications tools is a smart delivery match. There is so much information on the World Wide Web that having one place to visit for answers from the world's experts will be crucial to users."


Planetary Streams International, a Social Media Communications Company, provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Launched February 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the "Broadcast Barn" in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Please visit www.planetarystreams.com, or call Chad Stilson at chad@planetarystreams.com or call at 801-473-9211.


News contact: Kim Power www.powerstrategies.TV or 801-473-9174.




MyExpertSolutions.com is your resource for answers with assembled experts ready online to help you when you need answers. Users can submit their question about anything from education, finance, health and relationships and experts in those fields will share an online answer in 24 hours. MyExpertSolutions.com will be nationally available online at www.myexpertsolutions.com in August 2008. For more information please contact Kristen at 801-420-5812.


Career Step is the nation's leading provider of online medical transcription and medical coding training. Career Step enjoys a tremendous market advantage in the industry by virtue of its reputation as an innovative, competency-based training company. Career Step is committed to seeing each enrolling student graduate and successfully transition to a rewarding career. Career Step has been in business for over fifteen years and is headquartered in Springville, Utah.

Each year, for the past seven years, Career Step has been recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the state of Utah by the Mountain West Capital Network. Career Step was additionally the 335th fastest growing privately-held business in the country, according to Inc. Magazine. www.careerstep.com


GrowthClimate is a leader in online relationship education offering training to 125,000+ individuals, couples, families and businesses across the world. GrowthClimate® assists individuals who have lost connection with their instincts teaching them how to turn them back on again. A national research study done in our public schools found that "creativity in children is largely destroyed by the second grade." More accurately said, in a world where children become fearful, their creativity is diverted toward survival rather than growth. Reconnect children and adults with their instincts, and their inborn creativity turns back on! Give them understanding of their world, and the power to not only survive it, but also to change it. Creative genius makes individuals tremendous contributors to families, businesses, and to any group or organization of which they are a part. www.growthclimate.com.


Planetary Streams International, a Social Media Communications Company, provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Launched February 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the "Broadcast Barn" in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Please visit www.planetarystreams.com, or call Chad Stilson at chad@planetarystreams.com or contact Joanne at 801-473-9174.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Feel like the WWW is passing you by?

I remember when my parents brought home one of the first microwaves on our block. My grandmother came over and asked me to show her how to "get the hang of it" so she could tell all her friends. She said it was a mystery to her but she was determined to be the first of her friends to have one. Having survived the great depression my grandma was not the kind to be afraid of anything but I could tell she was a little wary of the big black box capable of melting down plastic bowls in seconds. As I was showing her what to do she told me she had showed her own grandmother how to work her TV. We laughed while we burnt a cheese sandwich to a crisp. Years later when I had to ask my kids to help me download a James Taylor song onto the iPod I received for Christmas I realized I was losing ground. My kids laughed at me for not knowing how to download and it made me feel better to smirk at them for not knowing who James Taylor was. Smirking was not enough, I felt like the world, indeed the World Wide Web was passing me by. More on this from me Kim Power Stilson, www.powerstrategies.TV and www.planetarystreams.com

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Social Media Company Launches Planetary Vision

Planetary Streams Radio & TV Company Launches Planetary Vision Giving More People a Chance to Be Seen and Heard On the Internet Social Media Communications Company Offer Internet Marketing

May 15, 2008--Woodland Hills, UT –Planetary Streams International, Social Media Communications Company, today announces the global launch Planetary Vision their online offering to meet the growing demands of small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete with audio and visual delivery on the internet. For more information go to www.planetarystreams.com

Monday, May 12, 2008

Power Strategies gets snow!


A turn in the weather means a turn in marketing. My goodness I am so glad the WWW doesn't have to abide by weather conditions. I realize one single thunder storm with a misplaced lightening bolt could take the power down and therefore render Internet access impossible – but still, we don't have to worry about snow!

Unbelievable. I put my winter clothes away for the third time and "ta do" like magic it snows. I woke up to see my fresh green leave and budding lilacs drooping over with almost an inch of heavy white icey frosting. SNOW! I checked my calendar? It's May! To get my kids off to school I had to dig through the storage boxes for the usual boots and gloves. Nice! Will I ever get to enjoy the Iris or the Lilacs I usually see in April – will they skip blooming all together and shrivel in summer's heat? Okay, I know I am complaining but really! Snow?!?!?!?

I am busy making final edits before I film 24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing! I'm excited! But before I can celebrate I have to shovel the walk!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Good News for Family Biz

Over one thousand people have asked me to give them advice on marketing. Many are paying clients, most people who see me, like they see any neighborhood lawyer or policeman, are strapped for cash and just want some quick advice to get them going so they can make some money so they can hire professionals. I always feel happy to help but frustrated that I can't do more. Well, now I can. I have taken my 17+ years of award-winning experience and turned it into a strategy guide to help people create their own marketing plan to get their companies marketing! It's called "24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing" and you guessed it, it takes 24 hours and may I say . . . it is a really comprehensive and positive plan. I just turned it over to the editors last night and soon it will be available on my Website at www.kpowerstrategies.com. I am thinking of charging what it is worth, what I would charge my clients, yet then giving a discount those family-owned businesses that need a little help! My way of sharing the wealth! I am very very very excited about this and as well spring is in the air! Soon I will be moving to California, by the beach no less, no more long hard winters for me (or for my skin!) Life is lovely!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Just read this book!

I am just now re-reading the book, "Think and Grow Rick" by Napoleon Hill. I know it was written in 1920's still awesome today!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Women Buy Everything

Spelled correctly here streams LIVE at 12 EST on www.planetarystreams.com on Planetary Talk Radio! Just click and listen while you blog!

Listen to Women Buy Everythign


Hey everyone we will be discussing this on our Women Buy Everything Internet radio show at 11 EST time at www.planetarystreams.com on Planetary Talk Radio. We got the big wig executive who sent this around to call and give the man's perspective! Let me know what you think!


(1)Fine:This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes:If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3)Nothing:This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4)Go Ahead:This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

( 5)Loud Sigh:This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6)That's Okay:This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7)Thanks:A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' ... that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8)Whatever:Is a women's way of saying *#*# YOU! !

(9)Don't worry about it, I got it:Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Company Dream Come True

Almost finished with my "24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing" strategy guide. Imagine I finished the last of it with kids in the house during spring break! I have sent it by a few people and the love it! I really hope it helps small businesses and entrepreneurs quickly put together a viable strategy that allows them the focus on marketing that every business needs. I threw in a little about getting TV and Radio for their website of course from Planetary Streams. KPower Strategies is my company, Planetary Streams is my best "friendeses" company – my best girlfriend and her husband and my best husband own it and well it provides as awesome resource for website communication!-Happy Day for me! Love checking major items off of my "To Do" list. This has been on that list quite a while. People have been asking for it for years. Well here you go . . . look for it to be up on ready on the May 1

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time to get up!

It was the day after we had to close the business and blatant reality was dark. Winter was turning slowly to spring and by that I mean the 8 foot wall of grey ice next to our driveway was finally melting. I had read every power of positive thinking book out there and some twice while trying to convince myself that there was a silver lining. I kept asking myself why I had failed. All comparisons to Edison's 8,000 light bulb tries failed to cheer me up. I was supposed to be successful. I had watched others succeed and had confidentially joked with them that I would invite them to my castle in Ireland someday. Now, someday seemed to be never ever day. What had I missed? The answer would not come and the reality of failure was painful. I decided to go for a walk. After all I had no business to claim my time and nothing else to do. I was walking along taking in the beauty of the mountains trying to feel something, and looking at the positive side that I at least had time to take a walk finally, when as if pushed hard from behind I fell into the post-snow thaw mud. I just laid there wondering why I should get up. I laid there face down stuck in the mud and cried and cried. When I was finished feeling sorry for myself and grieving my lost business I suddenly knew, I knew why I had failed. I knew the one strategy of success we had neglected which had caused the failure and it was embarrassing. We had a good product/service but it all had come down not doing this one thing. I had gotten so busy that I had forgotten, put off, not placed the importance into "marketing" my product/service. How many years had I wasted in doing the efforts of business only to find at the end that my product/service was worthless when not sold into the hands of consumers? If consumers did not know about my product then I wasn't selling and if my product wasn't selling than I did not have a business. Like, I thought, as I started extricating myself from the tear and snow laden mud, me, no business.

What an idiot I am, I thought as I sat up. I have years of award-winning marketing experience and I, the self-professed marketing guru even failed. What about my colleagues who had less knowledge and experience? I thought of my many entrepreneur friends and the advice I had given them. Had I followed that same advice myself? And, why hadn't I? No money and no time for marketing popped into my head before I could stop it. I knew better! Aside from being mud-caked I was embarrassed and mad. And right there in the mud it hit me. I knew exactly what we could have done right. I knew exactly how I could have been a million billionaire. And I knew exactly what I should have shared and shown by example to my entrepreneur friends. Really it was like that, startling and immediate, like sun rays filling my mud soaked soul. I got up, hobbled home, threw my clothes in the rubbish (I could because I knew now that I would be a success and could buy new clothes) and sat down and wrote an outline. Why not? I had the answer to make any company rich and successful. I wrote it, I applied it and within one week I was bringing in money again and selling my new business product/service. I was making money because my product/service was in the hands of customers. When it worked and worked fast and well, I decided I needed to make up for the bad example I had been and share this plan with my entrepreneur friends. I followed this very same plan below, written from my muddy notes. Here it is unbelievably simple and powerfully effective and something any entrepreneur with a product/service can do.

Now here is where you probably are thinking, "I don't have the money for marketing!" and I am going to shout back, "Yes, you do!" and even more painfully "Yes, I did!" I did have enough money for marketing, we all do, in my case I just did not take the time.

Time is one resource we all get FREE and we get to control. I can hear you all shouting now. "Time! I don't have any time! With being the accountant, the president, the client relations, the production manager and the financier in my business, how would I have any time?" Some of you are shouting and you have a staff! Staffs take a lot of time, I know, I know. And, it gets crazy loud here from female entrepreneurs, "Aside from my business, I have a family to love, organize, focus on, feed!"

To all of you, I know, I know, believe me I know. Remember I was the failure in the mud. I was right there with you as oddly trite as this may read I am going to keep you from falling in the mud!

From here, despite your shouting, what you are going to read will help you and your business succeed. It will help you in 24 hours and it will take 24 hours. Already I have applied what I have known learned and experienced in two months since my business closed. In my new business venture I am already as successful as I was after a few years and now am ready to be one of those million billionaire success stories and so will you. Believe me there is enough money in the pie for all of us to be very, very, very successful and all we need is everything we were doing and this additional 24 hours.

The key I recognized while in the mud is based on time and effort not money. You just need 24 hours this week or whenever you are ready to start. (Do it sooner than later please, mud is so uncomfortable!) Can you spare 24 hours to make your business a success? All of you are nodding your heads skeptically. Could 24 hours really make a difference? YES it can it will and it doesn't matter how you divide it up but you need to commit to take 24 hours out of your schedule this week to FOCUS on marketing, focus on 24 hours to Zero Down Marketing. You can break it up for your convenience though stopping life for 24 hours to do this seems incredibly dramatic, I think the sooner the better. That castle in Ireland is waiting!. You can do two days of 12 hours. You can do 4 days of six hours. But you will need 24 and not a minute less to start your "24 hours to Zero Down Marketing" process for your company.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From Mud to realization

My company had its shining moments, we had a good product/service and in fact the first three years were successful, so what happened? Why? I won't bore you with the story of those 6-7 years but the answer to those questions lies in not doing the answer I finally gleaned while face down in the mud.

It was the day after we had to close the business and blatant reality was dark. Winter was turning slowly to spring and by that I mean the 8 foot wall of grey ice next to our driveway was finally melting. I had read every power of positive thinking book out there and some twice while trying to convince myself that there was a silver lining. I kept asking myself why I had failed. All comparisons to Edison's 8,000 light bulb tries failed to cheer me up. I was supposed to be successful. I had watched others succeed and had confidentially joked with them that I would invite them to my castle in Ireland someday. Now, someday seemed to be never ever day. What had I missed? The answer would not come and the reality of failure was painful. I decided to go for a walk. After all I had no business to claim my time and nothing else to do. I was walking along taking in the beauty of the mountains trying to feel something, and looking at the positive side that I at least had time to take a walk finally, when as if pushed hard from behind I fell into the post-snow thaw mud. I just laid there wondering why I should get up. I laid there face down stuck in the mud and cried and cried. When I was finished feeling sorry for myself and grieving my lost business I suddenly knew, I knew why I had failed. I knew the one strategy of success we had neglected which had caused the failure and it was embarrassing. We had a good product/service but it all had come down not doing this one thing. I had gotten so busy that I had forgotten, put off, not placed the importance into "marketing" my product/service. How many years had I wasted in doing the efforts of business only to find at the end that my product/service was worthless when not sold into the hands of consumers? If consumers did not know about my product then I wasn't selling and if my product wasn't selling than I did not have a business. Like, I thought, as I started extricating myself from the tear and snow laden mud, me, no business.

What an idiot I am, I thought as I sat up. I have years of award-winning marketing experience and I, the self-professed marketing guru even failed. What about my colleagues who had less knowledge and experience? I thought of my many entrepreneur friends and the advice I had given them. Had I followed that same advice myself? And, why hadn't I? No money and no time for marketing popped into my head before I could stop it. I knew better! Aside from being mud-caked I was embarrassed and mad. And right there in the mud it hit me. I knew exactly what we could have done right. I knew exactly how I could have been a million billionaire. And I knew exactly what I should have shared and shown by example to my entrepreneur friends. Really it was like that, startling and immediate, like sun rays filling my mud soaked soul. I got up, hobbled home, threw my clothes in the rubbish (I could because I knew now that I would be a success and could buy new clothes) and sat down and wrote an outline. Why not? I had the answer to make any company rich and successful. I wrote it, I applied it and within one week I was bringing in money again and selling my new business product/service. I was making money because my product/service was in the hands of customers. When it worked and worked fast and well, I decided I needed to make up for the bad example I had been and share this plan with my entrepreneur friends. I followed this very same plan below, written from my muddy notes. Here it is unbelievably simple and powerfully effective and something any entrepreneur with a product/service can do.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zero Down Marketing

My new book will be out this month . . . "Zero Down Marketing with Power Strategies"

I have worked on this book for almost as long as my 14 year old has been around. It is chock full of boot-strap marketing tips for marketing needy entrepreneurs and shares strategies that have proven enormously successful – and some tips on who to avoid those that weren't! Keep watching for new things – Two Minute "How To" Snack TV videos on strategic marketing and PR, and more at www.kpowerstrategies.com! Kim Power Stilson

Friday, March 21, 2008

Kim Power Strategies New Book

It is called Women Buy Everything! And it will be out in April! I will be giving 65% off to women owned businesses!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My new client

The world changes but we do need to keep working! I would like to announce the offerings of my client Planetary Streams!

Get Planetary Vision for yourself, friends and family.
Get your PV!  Get the power of Planetary Vision for the cost of a burger!  $7.95 a month will get you all kinds of free and discounted global communications for you, your business and your family!

With membership in the Planetary Vision Community you get:

Free Commercial for your website

Once you have PV our engineers by email to set a recording time.  Having a commercial will add spice to your site.  Listen to hear your commercial LIVE on the or on It's Your Life Talk Back Radio Network!

6 Weeks as a Talk Radio Star and a Chance to Win Your Own Talk Radio Show

Planetary Vision brings you It's Your Life Talk Back Radio Network, where you get FREE six weeks to share your message about whatever floats your boat and listeners VOTE on whether you should win your own talk radio show on the Grapevine Talk Radio Network.

Planetary Vision Talk TV Shows

Forget the big networks, this is your network. Get your PV then click to watch PV Talk TV Shows not sponsored by big advertisers.   More info...

Planetary Vision Snack TV

Have 2 minutes to learn something new?  .  Like "How to Make Dinner in Two Minutes" and "How to get out of a date!" "How to raise your search engine ranks!"  "How to date your wife"  You can submit your Snack TV How To's or just enjoy the tips, advice, instructions from viewers around the world.  Get your PV then click to watch PV Snack TV.  More info...

Create a website TV Commercial

Give your site life! Tell your story in a one minute commercial and be seen on the Internet! With Planetary Vision we can show you how!


Major network TV & Radio Programming revolves around the advertisers, with Planetary Vision it revolves around YOU and your family.  Everyone funds the community so everyone with Planetary Vision gets a VOTE.


TV & RADIO Internet Marketing Services

Move over big buck advertisers! With Planetary Streams everyone gets a chance to be seen and heard on the Internet.  Choose from an array of TV, Radio and internet marketing services starting at 50cents! Get Planetary Vision and you'll never have to pay a million for a good advertising and marketing!


Fund Your Favorite Non-Profit Organization through the Love Charity Challenge

.Sign up your favorite non-profit or find one you like on the list and when you shop online 5% back goes to your favorite cause.  $35 membership is FREE with your Planetary Vision!


Invitation to Sing with the World's Largest Consumer Group – Women Only!  

Planetary Vision gives you the power to connect to women and their families who agree that when women work together the birds sing!  As part of the Bluebird Sisterhood you get to say what you want to say without fear - the sisters have your back - each week on with Planetary Vision Radio and TV. Get your PV then click on the Bluebird.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Identity Evaluation

I love what I do for a living! I take a look at people's company and I help them decide how to strategically market to their customers. Public Relations, marketing and all that www.kpowerstrategies.com. It takes talent and I have an abundance. For many years I thought these skills were my only talents. I watched people play the piano, sing, dance, paint, etc., and laughed thinking I had only been blessed with a few talents. Still I would not trade them, they have given me success and wonderous opportunities.
At the first of January this year, thanks for economic catastrophe and people giving up and out on me and the dream (www.grapevineradio.com) which some people called a hobby, I was looking for clients. For years they have looked for me . . . and I have said NO so now being free I awaited the onslaught of requests for my services. I am good at what I do but when they did not immediately come I found I had time, time to contemplate myself and my talents and guess what? I found I had others! I started painting in water color! I started taking photos. I bought a tenni racquet and again guess what? I found I have talent! These talents combined make my offering sweeter and life richer. Stil beginning of March and ready to get back to my favorite talent of building name awareness for others!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Launching this was like having a baby!

You asked for it, you've got it! A way to be seen and heard on the Internet. Here is the news, produced of all our efforts.

Planetary Streams Radio & TV Company Launches Planetary Vision
Giving More People a Chance to Be Seen and Heard On the Internet
New Internet Communications Company Offer Internet Marketing

February 26, 2008 --Woodland Hills, UT –Planetary Streams International, an internet Radio & Talk TV Communications Company, which officially launched this week, today announces Planetary Vision their online offering to meet the growing demands of small businesses and entrepreneurs to compete with audio and visual delivery on the internet.

Planetary Vision offers communications and internet marketing for clients who want to be seen and heard on the Internet. Planetary Vision is funded by its members who have a say about what is communicated on the Internet and is offered on Planetary Streams at www.planetarystreams.com and includes services for monthly fee. The services below are offered free or at a great discount to those with Planetary Vision.
Planetary Vision includes:

Free Commercial for your website
Once you have PV our engineers by email to set a recording time. Having a commercial will add spice to your site. Listen to hear your commercial LIVE on the or on It’s Your Life Talk Back Radio Network!

6 Weeks as a Talk Radio Star and a Chance to Win Your Own Talk Radio Show
Planetary Vision brings you “It’s Your Life Talk Back Radio Network”, where you get FREE six weeks to share your message about whatever floats your boat and listeners VOTE on whether you should win your own talk radio show on the Grapevine Talk Radio Network.
Access to services to create Your Own Talk TV Show
Enhance your site with Talk TV. Website visuals can increase your site click throughs by up to 80%. Share your message and star in your own TV show. With Planetary Vision we show you how!

Create a website TV Commercial
Give your site life! Tell your story in a one minute commercial and be seen on the Internet! With Planetary Vision we can show you how!

24/7 Access to the Grapevine
Log on and listen, call in and chat, FREE on the Grapevine! Award-winning hosts and maybe someday YOU, share the latest through the Grapevine Talk Radio Network. Missed the live show? Planetary Vision gives you the power of convenience with archives and podcasts so you can listen anytime. Listen FREE on planetarystreams.com.
Please visit www.planetarystreams.com, or call Chad Stilson at chad@planetarystreams.com or kpowerstrategies.com or contact Natalie at 801-473-9211.

Planetary Streams International provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Created in 2007 and officially launched February 22nd 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the “Broadcast BARN” in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies.

PSI is pleased to announce “Planetary Vision” a new offering which moves message selection and choice solely from dictates of major networks and gives the communication power back to the people. Planetary is a network offering programmed, produced and funded by its members. Through PSI Planetary Vision offers people and their companies a real opportunity to communicate on the internet. Planetary Vision provides FREE access to several talk radio network services, including a FREE talk radio show for six weeks on It’s Your Life Talk Back Radio Network (launching March 1st)and the opportunity to win your own show on the well-known Grapevine Talk Radio Network. Planetary Vision offers PV TALK TV Shows which entertain and inform and educate based on merit not on advertisers, PV Snack TV, two-minutes how to’s with submission welcomed by all members. Planetary Vision offers membership to the Bluebird Sisterhood, discounts to services provided by Growth Climates’ Relationship Radio, My PodCard, AT HAND hosting and delivery service by Makau Corporation, archives and podcasts and more to come. For more information on services, please visit, www.planetarystreams.com or contact chad@planetarystreams.com

ABOUT THE GRAPEVINE TALK RADIO NETWORK The Grapevine Talk Radio Network is a knowledge-sharing talk radio network founded to connect people to the grapevine 21st Century Style through the internet. Now reaching millions of listeners’ world wide, the first broadcast of the 24/7 talk network was in March 2005. All interested in sharing their stories and information on the grapevine are invited to listen, plog©, email and talk back on the grapevine. Listen blog or plog at www.grapevineradio.com. Please call in to talk to us, win prizes or talk back by calling 1-866-535-0841.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Planetary Vision coming tomorrow

Well today marks the day before the big launch of the Planetary Vision powered by Planetary Streams at www.planetarystreams.com. It’s an internet communications company specializing in Talk TV & Radio for website and we have a lot of FREE offerings any website owner will love! We are also launching the Bluebird Sisterhood and celebrating the Grapevine Talk Radio Networks 3rd Birthday this week along with Festivus! www.grapevineradio.com, www.healthywealthywow.com Join us for the Free commercials, and the free talk radio show!

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Power Behind Planetary Streams!

New Internet Communications Company Launches Offering
Planetary Streams Radio & TV Company Delivers to World from Barn
Classic Example of High Tech Flexibility New Company Produces Talk Shows from people’s home locations all over the world and then Streams the globe from Broadcast Barn

February 22nd 2008 -- Woodland Hills, UT --Planetary Streams International, an internet Radio & Talk TV communications company, announced their official opening, Tuesday February 26th 2008, to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet. PSI operates globally from the “Broadcast BARN” in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies. Planetary Streams provides inexpensive Talk TV and Talk Radio to businesses and persons who need a way to effectively marketing on the internet.

Planetary Streams will provide a series of solutions launching on a weekly basis from today and will include an expanded Grapevine Talk Radio Network, FREE Competitive Talk Radio Network, Website commercials, Talk TV, Snack TV, discounts to online services, commercials, marketing tools and more.

According to founders of Planetary Streams, Kristen & Rob Lamb and Chad & Kim Stilson, they have been working to launch this internet communications company for almost a year and have spent tens of thousands of dollars finding the right equipment to record and stream quality projects for people from remote locations. To prove their technology would work from even the most remote location the built their communication studios at a convenient location near their homes.

“Most of our clients have never stepped foot into our studios, which are in a converted garage in a rural setting, most of our talkers are in different states, countries and time zones, they can connect with us via the internet and using our proprietary technology create a cost-effective and beautiful communication tool for their site,” said Chad Stilson, president Planetary Stream. “Companies who don’t have the big bucks to advertise on major networks will find our services to be the most affordable avenue available when it comes to giving their products and services a voice.”

Kristen Lamb, author, TV and radio talk show host and Planetary Streams co-founder is pleased to bring more life to the internet. She says that she feels hearing someone talk amidst the visuals is a stronger way to connect to your audience.

“To be a talk show host or to introduce people to your solutions now you don’t have to have a big name and a title or loads of money,” said Kristen Lamb, “You just need a personality and a product, if you talk about it and people like and need what you offer, you have a chance to sell. We give people a chance to talk and we share their voice beautifully.”

For more information about Planetary Streams visit, www.planetarystreams.com

Planetary Streams International provides internet Radio & TV communications solutions for companies and individuals around the globe. Created in 2007 and officially launched February 22nd 2008 to meet the growing demands of audio and visual delivery on the internet, PSI operates globally from the “Broadcast BARN” in Woodland Hills using proprietary technology connects to deliver marketing messages from individuals and companies.
Chad Stilson
Planetary Streams